A Sheikh to Capture Her Heart Read online

  Running from her past…into his arms?

  Four years after the tragedy that drove her to Wildfire Island, flying surgeon Sarah Watson is ready to live again. Starting with a steamy affair with mysterious Harry…

  But this resident hunk is running, too—from the injury that ended his career as a surgeon and his duties as Sheikh Rahman al-Taraq of Ambelia! When their one-week fling overruns, Sarah and Harry must choose: keep running or stand firm…together.

  Wildfire Island Docs

  Welcome to Paradise!

  Meet the small but dedicated team of medics who service the remote Pacific Wildfire Island.

  In this idyllic setting, relationships are rekindled, passions are stirred and bonds that will last a lifetime are forged in the tropical heat...

  But there’s also a darker side to paradise. Secrets, lies and greed amid the Lockhart family threaten the community, and the team find themselves fighting to save more than the lives of their patients—they must band together to fight for the future of the island they’ve all come to call home!

  Read Caroline and Keanu’s story in

  The Man She Could Never Forget

  by Meredith Webber

  Read Anna and Luke’s story in

  The Nurse Who Stole His Heart

  by Alison Roberts

  Read Maddie and Josh’s story in

  Saving Maddie’s Baby

  by Marion Lennox

  Read Sarah and Harry’s story in

  A Sheikh to Capture Her Heart

  by Meredith Webber

  All available now!

  Dear Reader,

  The very best thing about writing this book was that I shared the experience with two very good friends. Together we set up Wildfire Island, and over a couple of years we got together to refine the stories and make them work together.

  Recently Marion Lennox, from Victoria, Alison Roberts, from New Zealand, and I were on the Gold Coast in Queensland, where I live. They’d rented a lovely apartment high on a hill above the beach, from where they could look out at the whales passing south after the annual pilgrimage to our shores. Together we sat watching the stunning views and talked about our characters, who were very real people to us by then, and we sorted out the very last chapter of the last book so all our readers would know what had happened to everyone a year or so later.

  Such fun! We hadn’t done a series together since Crocodile Creek, and it was a great challenge to have.

  All the best,


  Meredith Webber

  Books by Meredith Webber

  Harlequin Medical Romance

  Taming Dr. Tempest

  Melting the Argentine Doctor’s Heart

  Orphan Under the Christmas Tree

  New Doc in Town

  The Sheikh and the Surrogate Mum

  Christmas Where She Belongs

  One Baby Step at a Time

  Date with a Surgeon Prince

  The Accidental Daddy

  The Sheikh Doctor’s Bride

  The One Man to Heal Her

  Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com for more titles.

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  To all my writing friends, but in particular Marion and Alison.

  Praise for Meredith Webber

  “The romance is emotional, passionate, and does not appear to be forced as everything happens gradually and naturally. The author’s fans and everyone who loves sheikh romance are gonna love this one.”

  —Harlequin Junkie on The Sheikh Doctor’s Bride

  “The One Man to Heal Her by Meredith Webber was a well-written romance with a well constructed storyline which was both enjoyable and believable.”

  —Harlequin Junkie














  RAHMAN AL-TARAQ WAS BROODING. At least, that was what he assumed he was doing, but, never having been what he’d consider a moody man, it had taken a while to reach that conclusion.

  If asked, he’d have described himself as a—well, driven was probably the only word—man. Driven to succeed, to prove himself, to be the best he could and garner admiration for his achievements rather than for having, purely by chance, been born into royalty.

  Wealthy royalty!

  It wasn’t that the servants at the palace where he’d grown up had bowed and scraped, but very early on he’d realised that every whim would be granted and treats of all kinds supplied, not because he’d done something to deserve them but because of who he was.

  What other six-year-old boy would be given an elephant for his birthday, simply because he’d happened to mention in passing that the elephant he’d seen in a travelling show shouldn’t have to live with a chain around its foot?

  That thought made him smile!

  Imagine bringing Rajah here, to this tropical paradise in the South Pacific! He’d love the rainforest, but would decimate the villagers’ gardens in a week.

  Maybe less.

  Besides which he was getting too old to travel.

  He sighed, a sure sign he was brooding, and as brooding was a totally pointless occupation and achieved precisely nothing, a man who was into achievement—or had been—should do something about it.

  He stood up and paced the bure he’d had built for himself as part of his exclusive resort on Wildfire Island, his eyes barely registering the beauty of the natural stone, the polished, ecologically sourced timber, the intricately woven local mats. From outside it might look like a typical island home, but inside...

  In truth, he might be driven to achieve recognition for his work, but he didn’t mind a few trappings of luxury.


  There was that word again.

  No matter how hard he tried to convince himself the work he was doing now was important and worthwhile, which it was, there was always a but.

  His drive to be himself apart from his background had begun as a child sent to England at ten to a top boarding school. On arrival he’d introduced himself as Harry so his more exotic name didn’t mark him out.

  And as Harry, he’d been driven to succeed, to be the best, and his rise through school and university had been marked with success. But he’d found his true passion to be for surgery—general at first then specialising in paediatric surgery, helping save the lives of the most vulnerable small humans.

  But one could hardly operate on a newborn with a right hand that trembled, legacy of a touch-and-go brush with encephalitis. His initial reaction to the loss of the work he loved had been fury—fury with the weakness of his body in doing this to him.

  Eventually he’d realised the pointlessness of his anger, so he’d sought and found a new focus—to provide facilities for scientists working on a variety of vaccines for the disease, as well as developing mosquito eradication programmes in the worst affected areas.

  It was worthwhile work, and it had him roaming the world almost
continually, checking up on the services he’d set up. Which left him tired. But it didn’t become the passion his surgical work had been, and he felt a lesser man because of it.

  He sighed and went back to brooding, but on the woman this time—better, surely, than brooding on the past and the loss of the work he’d loved.

  What was done was done!

  The woman!

  Sarah Watson...

  He had met her before, he was certain of that.

  But having come close to death from the encephalitis virus had obviously killed some brain cells and though his memory of her was vivid in his mind, he couldn’t place it in context anywhere.

  He’d asked her at the cocktail party, caught up with her in the crush at the opening of the refurbished research station and resort, reminded her they’d met.

  And she’d denied it—brushed away from him—telltale colour in her cheeks suggesting it was a lie.

  But why?

  And why in damnation did he care?

  Worse, care enough to have returned to the island in order to see her again when he could have been in Africa, or, if he really needed a woman, in New York, where there were beautiful, fun, sophisticated women who wanted nothing more than a brief sexual relationship with no strings attached?

  It was her hair!

  How many women had hair the colour of rich, polished mahogany?

  And the scent of it—tangy—like vinegar mixed with the rose perfume his mother always wore, and the rose-scented water that splashed in the fountains at home.

  But vinegar?

  Could he really have picked up vinegar in the scent—and been drawn to it?

  Who was drawn to vinegar?


  The fact remained he had to have brushed against her some time in the past, for the scent to have been so evocative as they’d passed in the crush of people at the cocktail party! He’d asked his friend Luke about the woman and had learnt nothing more than that she was the general surgeon who flew into the island for a week every six weeks, and that she was English.

  Big help!

  Although her being English did make it possible he’d met her before, as he’d been based in London all his working life.

  It was now six weeks since the cocktail party to celebrate the opening of the luxury resort and the reopening of the research station funded by him in the same small piece of paradise.

  Six weeks, and here he was back on Wildfire when he should be at another research facility he’d set up in West Africa, or in Malaysia, organising the mosquito eradication programme. Should have been anywhere but here.



  He picked up his phone and got through to the island’s small hospital.

  ‘Is Dr Watson there?’ he asked the woman who answered.

  ‘Finished for the day, probably down on Sunset Beach,’ was the succinct reply.

  Sunset Beach—just around the corner, a short walk to the rock fall that separated his resort beach from the next small curve of sand. Walk around that and there was Sunset Beach.

  He’d meet her there, as if by accident, and work out where they’d met—ask her again if necessary.

  Action was better than brooding.

  He dropped the phone and left the bure, not giving himself time to consider what he was doing in case he decided it wasn’t a good idea.

  He’d see her, ask her again where they’d met, perhaps smell her hair...

  Was he mad?

  Wasn’t he in enough trouble with women at the moment, with his mother, three sisters, seven aunts, and Yasmina, the woman he was supposed to be marrying —for the good of the country, of course—insisting he come home and prepare to take over his role as ruler when his aging father died?

  They all knew, as did his father, that his younger brother would be a far better ruler than he, and the very thought of returning home to the fussing of his horde of relatives made him feel distinctly claustrophobic.

  While marriage to a stranger... That was something else.

  He’s spent too long in the West but deep in his bones knew that some of the old ways were best.


  He was at the rock fall now.

  Stupid! He should have stopped to put something on his feet as the rocks were sharp in places. But the tide was going out, the water at the base not very deep.

  He’d wade...

  * * *

  Sarah came out of the cool, translucent water, towelled dry, then slipped her arms into the long white shirt she wore as covering over her swimsuit. Even at sunset the tropical sun had enough heat in it to burn her fair skin.

  Fair skin and red hair—a great combination given she was slowly finding peace and contentment on this tropical island. Slowly putting herself back together again; finding a way forward in a life that had been shattered four years ago, sending her to what seemed like the end of the earth—Australia—and then finding a job where she could move around—a week here, a week there—not settling long enough for anyone to dig into her past, bring back the memories...

  A loud roar of what had to be pain startled her out of her reverie and she looked towards the rock fall at the other end of the beach where a man—the roarer, apparently—was hopping up and down in thigh-deep water.

  Some kind of local ritual?

  No, it was definitely pain she’d heard—and could still hear.

  Pushing her feet into her sandals, she ran across the white coral sand to where the man was struggling to get out of the water, clutching one foot now, slowly becoming the man she’d seen briefly at the cocktail party—the man they’d all called Harry.

  Sheikh Rahman al-Taraq, in fact, a man she’d once admired enormously for the expertise and innovations he’d brought to paediatric surgery. Admired enough to be flattered when he’d asked her to have a coffee with him afterwards, babbling on to him about her desire to specialise in the same surgery. So she had been late for David, who’d said he’d wait at work and drive her home rather than letting her take the tube—half an hour late—half an hour, which could have changed everything.

  She closed her eyes against the memories—the crash, the fear, the blood...

  It hadn’t been Harry’s fault, of course, but how could she remember that meeting without all the horror of it coming back—not when she was healing, not on the island that had brought peace to her soul.

  But right now that man was in pain.

  She reached him and slipped to the side of what was his obviously injured foot, taking his arm and hauling it around her shoulders to steady him.

  ‘What happened?’ she asked, once they were stabilised in the now knee-deep water.

  ‘Trod on something—agonising pain.’

  The man’s face was a pale, grimacing mask.

  ‘Let’s get you back to civilisation where we can phone the hospital,’ she said, hoping she sounded more practical than she felt because the warmth of the man’s body was disturbing her.

  In fact, the man was disturbing her, and, if truth be told, the memory of her chance meeting with him at the cocktail party had been niggling inside her for the past six weeks. Reminding her of things she didn’t want to remember...

  But reminding her of other things, as well.

  Not that he’d know that.

  ‘I’m Sarah. We met at the cocktail party.’


  The name came out through gritted teeth but they were out of the water now and heading slowly, step hop, step hop, for the first of the bures in the resort.

  ‘Did you see what it was?’ Sarah asked, thinking of the many venomous inhabitants that lurked around coral reefs.

  ‘Trod on it!’

  They’d reached the door.

‘That probably means a stonefish. They burrow down into the sand or camouflage themselves in rock pools so they’re undetectable from their surroundings. You should be wearing shoes. Is your hot-water system good? Water hot?’

  The man she was helping—Harry—seemed to swell with the rage that echoed in his voice.

  ‘Need a shower, do you?’

  Sarah decided that a man in pain was entitled to be a little tetchy so she ignored him, helping him to a chair and kneeling in front of him to examine his foot.

  ‘You’ve got two puncture wounds and they’re already swelling. I’ll get some hot water and then phone the hospital. Hot water, as hot as you can stand, should ease the pain.’

  Sarah looked directly at him, probably for the first time since she’d arrived at the bottom of the rock fall. Even with gritted teeth and a fierce expression of pain on his face, he was good looking. Tall, dark, and handsome, like a prince in story books. The words formed in her head as she hurried to the small kitchen area of the bure in search of a bowl and hot water.

  No bowls, but a large beaten copper vase. The stings were in the upper part of his foot—he could get that much of his foot into it.

  Back at the chair, she knelt again, setting down the vase of hot water but keeping hold of the jug of cold water she’d brought with her.

  ‘Try that with the toe of your good foot,’ she said. ‘If it’s too hot I’ll add cold water but you need it as hot as you can manage.’

  He dipped a toe in and withdrew it quickly, tried again after Sarah had added water, and actually sighed with relief as he submerged the wounds in the container and the pain eased off.

  Looking up at her, he shook his head.

  ‘How did you know that?’

  But she was on the phone to the hospital and someone had answered, so she could only shrug in reply to his question.

  Quickly she explained the situation, turning back to Harry to ask, ‘Is the pain travelling up your leg?’

  He nodded.

  ‘Like pins and needles that turn into cramp, although it’s easier now.’

  Sarah relayed the description to Sam, who was on the hospital end of the phone.